Lions and Tigers and Bears....
OH My! Ok no animals here, I am just a bit loopy this morning from not sleeping as well as I should have and having too much coffee. Below is one of my new books in the stash pile, I entered a drawing at JT Stitchery when I was there for Sit and Stitch a few weeks back and had actually forgotten about it. Imagine my surprise when I got the phone call Saturday saying I had won! :) I'm quite excited about this one, it has a very unique use of color and decorative stitches as you can see from the examples on the cover. There's also directions for using the different stitches in an assortment of things from samplers to sewing cases with directions for finishing as well. I bought this one late last week actually and forgot to post about it. After all the fun I had with the Black and White Sampler this was a book the teacher recommended. I had a bit left on my Amazon gift certificate so I decided this book was in order :) I like this one as well. There are lots of motifs chart