
Some more work done on Winter Queen. I'm working down her wrap right now and I've decided to do a bit of the beading. There is a large amount of them between her hair and the shoulder of her dress so I decided to put stitch some of them in.

I finally got around to starting the finishing on my Sewing Pocket this weekend as well.  I got all the way to the short end only to realize my count was off a bit so I've had to go back and put a different row of backstitch in to sew through. Now I'll just need to press it into a pocked and sew up the sides. It also has a closure that's made of a bone ring and some ribbon. I've been looking for a nice ring but I haven't seen any in the bead shops lately so I may have to go with the plastic ones to get this finished.


  1. I love watching your progress on Winter Queen--she is going to turn out so beautifully!

    Your sewing pocket is looking great too. I really love your color choices. Can't wait to see it completely finished!!!

  2. Your pocket turned out great! Just the finishing touches now. :)


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