I've been making great progress on my pig here since I finally sat down and started working on the parts that didn't excite me so much like the back stitching to outline everything. I just have the hat and some filling in on the legs on the body of him. Once I get the hat in I may start on the background as that should be rather quick, its an open diagonal stitch that should work pretty fast since I'm stitching over 8 canvas threads. I couldn't be happier with the backstitch though. Its a wrapped backstitch, basically you back stitch then go back and weave through each stitch once, the result is the nice smooth curved line you see here. I really haven't devoted that much time to my stitching lately like I should, the weather has been nice so I've been out working in the yard and I'm looking, endlessly it seems for a dog, I've decided its time for one of my own. Hope everyone has a happy Wednesday :)