
Showing posts from January, 2019

Winter chill

Today, I am pleased I no longer live in Michigan. The weather I'm seeing through the local news there is beyond words. Wind chill readings below zero, blowing snow, I do not miss any of it.   Out my window I see a lovely blue sky with the sun shining, and its the coldest day of the week, so I'm not loving the weather but we're above freezing.  My feet feel like 2 blocks of ice despite extra warm socks that I would prefer to be curled up in a warm blanket to help them stay warm.   Despite all the cold, the plants remain confused on what to do.  I spotted daffodils on Sunday that are already putting up leaves from the otherwise mild weather here

First finish of 2019

Another year, and another great start with my needlecrafts. To be fair, there wasn't a lot left on this piece but it's done and that is the part that counts. The Main Street Train Station is #2 in the series that I am way behind on but this is also the small project that I usually work on in the car and at work so my progress is not always consistent or fast.  This one will now be banished to the finishing pile until I get a few of them that I can finish all at once. Next up will be the Caroling Quartet, maybe.  I'm not really loving this one that I am considering skipping to something I like better like the sweet shop or the toy store, its difficult to find motivation when the project isn't speaking to you. I have 15 of these so far, it really doesn't matter what order they're done it. While I ponder this I hope to finish up the Old Italian Sewing set by GPA.  I have all the cross stitch in, I just need to do the blackwork stitching in green t...

WIPocalypse 2019

And another year begins.  Perhaps this might be one where I don't stop blogging mid-year as has been the trend past years.  The past few years have been a journey in more ways than one and I'm finally at a point where I have a sense of peace with it all. My WIP page is linked in the banner, there are seriously too many for me to repost them all here. Some ripping done recently on Hometown Holidays.  I had the wrong color in for the siding around the wreath and while it was fine, I annoyed me because I knew it was wrong.  That aside there isn't much left on this one and I can move on to the third piece in the series. Not a lot to finishing up on the Old Italian Sewing set from GPA, I have that out to work on when my arm needs a break from the afghan.  The high thread count makes this difficult to take anywhere, I need my ott light and magnifiers to see properly without straining my eyes. Ambrosia Honey from the EGA member magazine.  I ne...

Keeping warm for winter

Despite my absence I have been stitching, I've even been starting more things that I can add to my mile high pile of works in progress.  It all started with the additional stash from my mom and aunt that came into our home.  I did manage to re-home a lot of things, but some I wasn't quite ready to part with.  Like this book of crochet.  I haven't done anything in crochet since I was 12 and even then it wasn't that amazing. I wasn't even born yet, this was my mom's first class to learn how.  The book included the patterns I knew because they were the afghans that covered the furniture in the house growing up. They were also the afghans that covered me when I was sick and spent the day on the couch and something mom made look so easy because she could do just about anything while working on one. Playing cards on one afghan while mom works on another When I was visiting my brother I noticed he had a few of my mom's afghans in his home and I suddenly...