
Showing posts from October, 2005

A new poncho for the pup

I knew it was inevitable when I found the pattern. The current plan is to get Missie's hair cut so she will have less to keep her warm against the snow we have around here so mom picked this yarn up while we were out shopping last week so I could knit her a poncho. Wait a second here, why am I again knitting the dog a poncho? She's certainly not my pup and mom can knit but alas I am given the task of the poncho. This should be incredibly entertaining once I start it as its got a cable design in it and I've never done a cable before. Guess practicing on a poncho for the dog is a good start, she won't care if I make a mistake, however if it was for me it would wind up in the trash if I could find the mistake on it. No green or pink here though, after looking at the yarn that was called for we decided we liked this darker, flecked chenille better. The yarn called for had a bit of sparkle to it which was cool but in the end we figured the dog just wouldn't car...


I have not been feeling the best over the last couple days. Not sure what exactly I have but I woke up yesterday feeling like I jumped from a moving car, and today is not much better. Needless to say I haven't gotten alot of stitching done. Saturday I also decided it would be a good idea to install the drop ceiling in the bathroom in the basement, equally "un-fun", especially when you look at it funny and it falls down as you are snapping everything together. Oh well. 


I got this at a "garage sale" at my ANG chapter meeting this weekend. It has all possible combinations of initials to use in your needlework! I know several people in my EGA chapter have used them on different pieces where an initial is called for just because the monogram looks a bit better than plain ititials to sign a piece. I'm thinking about using it to make a new nametag, maybe then I might remember to actually take a nametag to my meetings :) Then last night I found the latest issue of Interweave Knits Crochet Magazine! I love this scarf on the cover, like I need another scarf anyway. Ok actually there's 2 scarves in here I'm drooling over, a very cute "hoodie" and a purse that is calling to me. Now I just need to give up sleeping to finish everything I want to make.


Found this one while out stitching this week... no I didn't need it as usual but look at the cute baskets They're made out of crochet twine which seems pretty durable. I actually bought a set similar to this last month at IKEA after realizing these could be used to hold things and could then be thrown in the washer when they got dirty. Now I can make more, even better.  I love Ikea but I really don't like fighting the masses to shop there.


Dug this one out to work on Monday after I finished the snowman. I have the wings done now and am working on the wand. I'm rather stumped on what I want to do with the wand handle as I don't like anything I've tried so far, I will probably pad it and satin stitch it with DMC floss or something simular. Then I have to work on getting those snowflakes done so I can put the back ground in. Thank you to everyone for your comments on my snowman! I'm very excited to see him complete. Now is the dilema of do I want to finish him myself or send him off and pay a finisher to do the work... decisions decisions. I have the Ultimate Big Book of Finishing which has the "how to" for doing it but I'm not so much trusting myself working with a canvas like this. I usually work with my linen pieces myself which is much easier to work with. We'll see...

Completed Snowman

Got him finished this evening while stitching at Peacock Alley... YAY I'm so glad to be done with him. I was a bit frustrated with getting the cheeks to lay but I think they'll be ok. He's now going to be finished into a box complete with a bow on the top :)

Just Cross Stitch Ornaments

I've finally sat down and gone through this year's magazine and picked out the ones I'd *like* to make this year. I have several small pieces of linen left over from other projects so hopefully I can get a start on one soon. I've decided to substitute some DMC in place of all the sampler threads called for on most of the stitching. I hate buying a skein of floss only to use one piece of it and then send it to the drawer with the rest of my stash. I never seem to have the threads I need when I start a new project anyway and much of what I do doesn't use sampler threads anyway so they would just sit there and collect dust. I can't wait to see what everyone else is working on this year! :) Needleplay Needlework Designs - The Gift of the Season Sue Hillis Designs, Inc - Candy Stitck Noel Jeannette Douglas Designs - Love Christmas Ornament Angel Stitching - O Christmas Tree DebBee's Designs - Scot's Bonnet Ornament Gentle Pursuit Designs - Glad Tidings...