The end is near...

Only one letter "P" to go and this ornament is finished. After that happens I may have a nice celebration with a big bottle of wine as I was sorry I wanted to stitch this piece not long after I started it. Its all done over one which gives it a great look but not a lot of fun to stitch in my opinion. I started this in 2004 right after I got the Just Cross Stitch ornament issue it was in and it looked so cool, oh did I forget how little progress shows on 1 over 1

At sit and stitch last night they were having a sale so I went hunting for fabric for a few things. I found this piece that I think will work for Strawberrie So Faire. It actually calls for Summer Khaki, no I will not be stitching on black again any time soon  but I wasn't real excited about the color. This piece is Bayleaf. I pulled a few of the threads called for and they looked good with the fabric so this is the winner.

And now what kind of compulsive buyer would I be if I didn't have the companion for my knitting book "Book 2 The Purl Stitch" I had a gift certificate for so I decided to get "Book 1 The Knit Stitch as well. These are both great books, some great directions for different cast on techniques as well as clear directions for the patterns themselves.


  1. YOur choice of bayleaf looks pretty good in the picture.

    I purchased the black linen -- I know it will be trouble from the get start : ) Still ... thought the pattern lookes marvelous.


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