
Showing posts from June, 2006

Progress... finally :)

Here is some progess on my needlepoint Pig. The background is ALMOST there, now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with the handle of his wand and the hat, then I'm going to add a few beads to the background as there are little white dots on the canvas background. I also couldn't resist this one. Just Cross Stitch's latest issue has strawberries! EEKKK! As that has become one of the official "themes" of my stitching acccessories I couldn't resist. Speaking of strawberries, if you are in EGA all of the great strawberry things we've made for christmas party favors over the years was in this recent issue on page *checking* 48 *grin* That's where the whole strawberry thing started. I love green and red and it was a great way to throw them together without it looking like christmas :)


Ok... almost. I actually haven't picked up a golf club in *pausing to count on fingers* well its been about 4 years. At the time I managed to cause a disc in my lower spine to slip which pretty much put most fun activities on hold while I tried to let it heal. Eventually it did but for whatever reason I never went back out. This past weekend Jay was here and I had him bring his clubs along. We headed out to the driving range to see if I could still hit, it wasn't the best but I wasn't as bad as I had expected. Unfortunately for me, however my back is messed up AGAIN! Guess my swing isn't as good as I hoped it would be as I haven't been able to move right since. Ahh well, it was fun while it lasted. Once its feeling better perhaps I should see someone to find out what I'm doing wrong that I'm breaking my back trying to play a game, that just isn't right. While we were there we saw these guys, its a bit distracting when you're trying to swing and t...

Since I have nothing else to say...

We'll post this nice pic of Indiana :) He finds it necessary to make sure that I'm awake alteast 20 minutes before my alarm and this is where he can be found once he's certain that I'm awake. I think he is suffering from the delision that he's a person and not a pup. Doesn't he look all innocent sleeping... don't be fooled! If dogs weren't cute, we would share our couches with them.


I've been pretty good about not adding to the stash. I did however feel the need to have these two charts as I got the other 2 of the set on clearance a few months ago and it just didn't seem right to not have the whole set! :) As long as I was at it I ordered the buttons that go on them. The buttons really make the piece with these so I didn't want to go hunting around trying to find just any old button :) My stitching hasn't been all that productive. Jay was up this weekend and got me Sims 2, oh wow that was a bad idea. I need to be able to stay home and play this one all day ha! I am getting back to it though so any day I'm expecting my other stash splurge for motivation. I won a copy of 2001 Just Cross Stitch ornament issue on Ebay :) Now I have them all 2000 until now. I looked at the older ones but I'm not that excited about the ornaments so no need to go there ;)