Finished... for now

I put the last of the eyelets into the Shaker Sewing box last night, now I am just waiting for next Thursday when our EGA group is supposed to start putting this piece together. I have gone over the assembly directions and they don't look too terrible but I am never very sure of myself when it comes to finishing projects. Sunday before we left for dinner I went digging through mom's old sewing threads and found wooden spools! I am so excited about this, I was actually a bit disappointed when I saw that you got plastic ones if you ordered the kit as this piece is supposed to have an antique feel to it and the plastic thread spools just don't have as nice of a look with it as the wooden ones. I'm not excited about the colors, but the selection I had to choose from was not a lot. There were a lot of teals and bright greens but these will work. If it looks too terrible I may try to load it on my bobbin winder and put a better color thread on ha!

Also some progress made on Strawberries so Faire. I was expecting this piece to be a bit bigger but I am actually happy with the size. This will be another challenge for my finishing skills as there isn't a lot of stitching but a considerable amount of finishing.


  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished Shaker box! Those wooden spools are great. I have some too - it wouldn't be the same with plastic ones :)

  2. What a wonderful project for your EGA to do! I'll be watching for the finished product - it'll be a knockout! :D

  3. I've got Strawberries So Faire (pattern) with the black linen. I know it was probably crazy. The Stitching Smalls (yahoo group) is hosting a SAL in June. I am enjoying all your pictures!! My, you have been the busy stitcher!!!

    i like the wooden spools in your box. You know, if you aren't crazy about the thread colors (on the spools) you can always wind something else on them : )


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