All about organization. When things are organized and I can find everything, I'm by far more likely to actually work on things than if I have to hunt for everything, or I'll waste time re-organizing things because I'm like that. Over the past week I've been organizing my needlework stash, even photographed much of it so I can see my projects easily. Now there was my knitting/crochet stash. Oh, what a nice mess that was. 1 hat, red mohair, been on the needles at least 10 years, lost the pattern. Why is it on the needles you might ask? I have NO idea but off it came, well ok it too much longer than you might imagine as the mohair had actually shrunk a bit over time so I had to cut it off the needles. Wow, yeah good thing I was saving that. The rest wasn't too bad I guess, other than the broken basket it was kept in so I got one of those plastic drawers to keep next to the couch for all my stitching, one drawer for needlework and the other for yarn. Easy enough, now ...