New and Improved (and long winded)
I have several fun things to go on about today so SBQ got its own separate post below as I'm sure this one will be long and rambling on its own :)Presenting the improved hair for my Lady in a Red Hat, or whatever she really is supposed to be called :p I went with a variation of what I was intending on this once again. Once I got into the directions for the Angel I posted a photo of yesterday I realized it was really outline stitch and not long and short so I did a bit of that and liked it so off we go. I'm doing her hair with Sarsparilla and Nutmeg from GAST to make the hair color a bit more natural looking and they were about as close to my color as I could get without it clashing with the hat too much. On a good note not only am I happier with the look, this stitch goes a lot FASTER than all those bullions. Oh well, sorry bullion knots but it just wasn't meant to be LOL I also got my copy of JCS ornament issue last night. As you've already seen the cover most li...