Moving right along

Nothing is as its called for on this piece. It calls for summer khaki linen and gloriana silk to stitch in. My fabric is bayleaf, I liked the look and feel of this fabric much better and I personally hate working with gloriana. The one time I used it, I had snags and I just wasn't happy with how it looked and ended up ripping it all out and finding something close in waterlilies instead so this time I'm working with Needle Necessities, again from the stash.

 The red is left over from the Still Stitching pocket and the green is from the Peace Tree that I thought I had finished. That was most unwelcome, I was looking at the photo of it thinking that something wasn't quite right about it. Well I sent it to a friend to get a new set of eyes on it and I've managed to miss the lower curl on one of the E's!! I am going to try to get to that this weekend but right now I'm having too much fun with these two to pay the tree much attention


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