Mail Day!

I just love when the mail man brings me gifts!  I'm actually amazed at the speed they arrived as well. First was the Mirabilia Halloween Fairy. I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, I loved the design but I don't like buying kits. I'm at the designers mercy when it comes to threads and fabric and if I don't like them I have to buy all new stuff to stitch after buying the kitted supplies.

These threads are fabulous! All over dyed colors, and none of my LNS sell Crescent Colors so I'm quite excited to try them out! The colors also look fabulous with the fabric so I'm not likely to change that either. I really should finishing a few things before I start her though, we'll see.

Next, the mailman was knocking on my door just after I got home with a box containing the latest Jim Wurth dodecagon, Mojave. I guess the fact that Thread Needle Street calls this an "ornament" club isn't really accurate. When I hear ornament I think Christmas ornament, this one is hardly a Christmas ornament but definitely some fabulous colors. If I knew they were not going to be all fit to put on a tree I may have finished Coronation differently, but then there's no law that says I must finish them all the same.

This one, as you can see here, is done on beige canvas with some beautiful autumn colors. I'm glad to see they also started measuring out some of the threads to save me having to buy full skeins of things I'm likely to only use a small bit of. I especially love the beads in this one, the photo is close, but not quite. They're a fabulous copper color to make them stand out against the more gold toned threads. This is likely to be a start in short order as I want to keep up on them as I receive them.

Now having opened my mouth and said I will finish 50 projects before I buy new stash I have to make an exception for these as well as they were ordered before. I get one every other month and they're on auto ship. As I've already budgeted for them I don't want to stop them so I guess I will have this coming as well. On that note, as I periodically do beading I'm counting those as finishes as well so that will make completing 50 a bit more attainable. I am just as bad in a bead store as I am in a stitching store sadly enough ;)


  1. I normally hate kits too. The Crescent Colour floss is wonderful to work with - I can't recommend it highly enough! It's so much nicer than Weeks or GAST... no idea why! Enjoy your stash!! :)


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