Scissor Case Happy Dance

And my happy dance!! This should have been done days ago but I've been goofing off instead of stitching on my lunches at work. Now back to working on my Bent Creek pieces that I've neglected in my need to start a new project


  1. Love your scissor case. I am like you when stitching a piece using overdyeds and there is only a couple of stitches. I just use DMC instead.

  2. The scissors case turned out beautifully. Well done!

  3. Wonderful job on the scissor case, Kali!!

  4. your scissor case is so colorful. Wonderful job : )

    Good answer to the SBQ -- aren't the pre-cut ones the worst?

    Enjoy your week-end

  5. Ooohhhhhh Kimberly, I love the scissors case and fob. It is so bright and cheery. Congrats on a beautiful finish.

  6. Your woprk is gorgeous!!! The color are wonderful!!! congrats!! Have a nice week end!!


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