The End is Near! : )

I've been making great progress on my pig here since I finally sat down and started working on the parts that didn't excite me so much like the back stitching to outline everything. I just have the hat and some filling in on the legs on the body of him. Once I get the hat in I may start on the background as that should be rather quick, its an open diagonal stitch that should work pretty fast since I'm stitching over 8 canvas threads. I couldn't be happier with the backstitch though. Its a wrapped backstitch, basically you back stitch then go back and weave through each stitch once, the result is the nice smooth curved line you see here.
I really haven't devoted that much time to my stitching lately like I should, the weather has been nice so I've been out working in the yard and I'm looking, endlessly it seems for a dog, I've decided its time for one of my own.

Hope everyone has a happy Wednesday :)


  1. What a cute project! And congrats on nearly being finished. It looks great and a lot of fun. :D

  2. Hi from Austria! Gosh, I can't believe how cute this little piggie looks, such a great job you did on this project! Like you, I also can't be bothered with back stitching to outline, but unfortunately it has to be done - the result is worth it though!

  3. Congrats on the near finish..its looking really sweet.


  4. It seems to me that this is a really fun project to do :D

  5. You're right, the backstitching does look fantastic! I would think that the extra work of the wrapping is well worth the effort. :)

  6. Hey, you're doing great!



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