Something different

I've decided to do pull out pig to work on for a change. There isn't a whole lot left to do, the black areas and finishing bits on the shirt and face. The background on this piece is a nice open diagonal stitch to allow the paint to show through which I'm looking forward to stitching, quick and easy once I get to that point. If I can stop getting distracted by everything else I want to do I might have this one done soon.

I've done a bit of work on the shaker boxes as well, I'm working on the emery which has been a real treat *cough* *cough* No really :) I don't know how they think I'm going to fit emery in this tiny thing but as I have no plans to actually use it the emery won't be missed if I don't stuff it inside. I'll hopefully post a pic of that and a bit more progress tomorrow.

On the stash front I've picked up some yarn for a project I hope to get started at some point this summer ;) This is just your basic average Red Heart with a tweed look to it. Easy care, washable, not my favorite yarn at all but it will be easier care than the wool I was looking at, I very much do not like having to watch fibers and care tags when I wash things. With my luck I'd forget and I'd have a nice wrap sized just right for barbie :p


  1. I really like the yarn that you chose for the wrap. It's going to be so nice! And I'm all about easy care. I'm irritated that the most recent shirts I bought for work are going to require ironing. I like things I can pull out of the dryer, plop onto a hanger and then wear. :)

    Your pig is coming along very nicely; can't wait to see him done! I think he's already doing a happy dance of his own. ;)

  2. OMG the pig is a riot! I love it. I think the wrap is going to be beautiful in that yarn. Sometimes easy care is the best. (I also hate reading labels and washing according to them LOL.)

  3. Wow, cool site! I'm from


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