A Non-Stitching Weekend

I am happy to say I've finally gotten myself a pup of my own :) This is Indiana, he's 4 and I got him from a rescue in Indiana. He had a different name *cough* but since he wasn't answering to it and I didn't like it we kinda changed it :) Here he is being the ferocious, not really

 Hope you all had great weekends!


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    The dog is adorable!

  2. Aww he is absolutely adorable. Did the blanket submit in the end.?


  3. He such a cutie!

  4. Your pup is so cute! I just got one a little over a week ago! I love mine to death! She is already SOOOO spoiled. Have fun with your little fur baby!

  5. Oh how cute!!! Do you call him "indy" for short?

    Enjoy spoiling this darling dog : )

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Welcome to the cyber-family, Indiana! He is really cute. I hope you're having tons of fun with your furbaby. :)

  7. Awesome Kali! Congratulations, and well done getting a rescue pup!


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