Ring of Flowers

In 2000 I attended the EGA national convention in Florida with my mom and my aunt taking a class in Stumpwork from Jane Nicholas.  Ring of Flowers was the piece and for my first piece it turned out far better than expected... plus hey, I actually finished it. ha!

This piece is in Jane's book of Stumpwork designs but the class also gave you the kit with all her preferred materials as stumpwork wires can be hard to find in the US and of course classroom instruction.  It was odd being in the class, I was the youngest by nearly half of anyone in there.  This came in handy in the bookstore and merchandise night as people would let me in near tables, often to ask how long I'd been stitching, who did I learn from, etc.  All the while I'm holding things up enough for my mom and aunt to see so we could shop faster. Cheating a bit, perhaps, but I didn't ask them to give me special treatment. That somehow happened all on its own


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