
All about organization. When things are organized and I can find everything, I'm by far more likely to actually work on things than if I have to hunt for everything, or I'll waste time re-organizing things because I'm like that. Over the past week I've been organizing my needlework stash, even photographed much of it so I can see my projects easily.

Now there was my knitting/crochet stash. Oh, what a nice mess that was. 1 hat, red mohair, been on the needles at least 10 years, lost the pattern. Why is it on the needles you might ask? I have NO idea but off it came, well ok it too much longer than you might imagine as the mohair had actually shrunk a bit over time so I had to cut it off the needles. Wow, yeah good thing I was saving that. The rest wasn't too bad I guess, other than the broken basket it was kept in so I got one of those plastic drawers to keep next to the couch for all my stitching, one drawer for needlework and the other for yarn. Easy enough, now for the needles. It's really too bad I didn't take a "before" shot as it was pretty scary. A whole mess of a pile, many of these needles I purchased when a few yarn stores closed about 10 years ago so the plastic was discolored. I found a pattern on to make a needlecase but it only went to size 13 and I have 17's so I altered it a bit and here it is.

Pockets for each size needle and a shorter pocket for double pointed. Also some extra pockets at the end where I have my crochet hooks and stitch holders.


  1. Organization is wonderful but how hard to pull off. I'm always trying. Very nice needlecase. I made one kind of similar out of a placemat. That was a proud moment for me :-).


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