Stitch-a-long updates for May

Wasn't it just April? No really, I am positive April was just a few days ago yet here we are half way through May. Its also the New Moon so time for my TUSAL update.

This months pile of orts, nearly all from Twister in the nice shades of Green and Gold. Click the link above to visit Its Daffy Cat, the host of the Totally Useless Stitch Along

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And speaking of Twister, I can finally say I'm on the home stretch. It was International Hermit & Stitch weekend and I managed to get a ton done around the house AND make some great progress on my stitching. Click the graphic for more info and to join!

All 4 squares are complete, just the border to complete which should be a lot faster because there is no compensation of stitches. I may be putting it aside for a few days to get a few more stitches in Ambrosia Honey which I'm doing with my local EGA chapter. 

Seeing this one finished will be a great day.  I started this so many years ago, during a very unhappy time in life which I'm reminded of when I look at one particular section of the piece.  I also started it with my mom so I almost tossed it when she passed, but I set it aside to hopefully pick up later. Now once complete we're going to see if it can't create some positive memories by entering it at the state fair. 


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