New to me Canvas

I've been part of EGA for years, first with my Chapter in Michigan and then after things settled in Oregon I joined Cyberstitchers but I've never been happy with the format. I like the Face to Face meetings to share what we're working on and talk which doesn't translate for me with the internet-based group. This Monday I finally made it to a local EGA meeting and as an added bonus they had stash for sale, my favorite kind of meeting. Haha!

From what I was told, someone local passed away and had a huge stash of canvas.  Her family gave it all to the chapter to sell to raise funds for programs, education, or whatever else might be needed to continue to further learning in needlearts so I got a great deal on a few canvases.

This pair even came with thread, some lovely wool and silk/wool blends.  One will be the cover for the stool that goes with my old Singer Treadle machine and the other will cover a storage footstool that used to be my mom's.  The fabric on both leaves a lot to be desired and one smells from being stored in my brother's barn for over a year. 

No plan for this one but I loved the design. This one is a bit smaller so more likely it will end up a pillow or framed. It will depend on the amount of wall space left when I get it stitched but I'm already looking at the vaulted wall over the bookcase in the living room so more likely a pillow.  Fabric and a bit of trim would really bring out the border design.

And also, because I don't have enough projects going, the EGA has a lovely piece that they started publishing in Needlearts last summer, Ambrosia Honey.  This does offer a lot of opportunity for learning more technique in canvas work from what I'm hearing from others, especially in how to compensate stitches where the different patterns come together. The Facebook group seems to have finished and moved on to another project but the local chapter and Cyberstitchers are still working on this one so I should have some company. 


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