I'm noticing a trend here

It's always the new year, something about the holidays makes me want to dig out a neglected project and start stitching no matter how long it has been since I last put needle to fabric.  This year even more than years past as we've had a record winter for our area resulting which allowed for several snow days.  I know many people enjoy the quiet of relaxing at home, maybe with a book or a favorite show but not this girl. I like to be busy and cleaning the house can only occupy me for so long - who wants to clean for 3 days.

First out of the WIP pile was the Linen band sampler from Cross N Patch.  I checked the publish date on this one, I started it when it was released... in 1999.  Nothing like pacing myself on the finishes.

My current progress on the Linen Band Sampler. After looking over the entire design, I came to realize that the finished bell pull was over 3ft long.   I like bell pulls, but that would have put it in bite range of dogs and finger range of little hands, so I felt it best to abbreviate the design, or I'd have to hang it from the ceiling. The hardanger stitched in will be the bottom of the piece, so I just have cut and fill, and this one will be finished.

So, if I finish it this year, it will be 18 and a legal adult. I suppose its too much to hope that it will get a job and help around the house so I can get binge watch something on Netflix. A girl can dream.


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