October Smalls

Smalls, seems all I'm doing lately are smalls. I'm pleased the holidays are in sight as for me it usually means extra time to curl up in my chair with a movie and hopefully a few stitches on some of my larger projects.   For today, I have 2 smalls I've been working on.  

Spring Needleroll, close but not quite but now I'm rather annoyed with it.  I was moving along on the band 4th from the bottom only to find that I jumped up 2 threads when I was stitching the flowers so I have to frog the last few and restitch.  I hate frogging, really hate it. This piece is now back in its pouch and was cast off so I could be annoyed over my miscount without looking at it.  I'll get back to it eventually but it was already frustrating me that the stitching was going so slow on this because of all the jumping around and top stitching.

And in less time than it took to make that much progress on the needleroll I've near finished another sheep from LHN Sheep Virtues series.  If I can manage to stay home this evening instead of inventing things around the city that somehow can't wait until the weekend this one will be finished and I'll be on to Gratitude with only Joyfulness left to go.

And last, I've finally taken Earth Dancer in for framing so now the wait begins. Joann's did a great job with my Mirabila fairy and other than some pretty limited hours that I'm able to make it in with working they keep advertising sales and having someone else do the framing is expensive. Come to think of it, they're sales remind me stores that have crazy high prices so they can run sales and print "Saved 75% $325.00" and make you think you got a deal while maintaining profits.  Whatever works I suppose.


  1. Gorgeous stitching on all of your pieces, my dear.

  2. Wow, Earth Dancer is beautiful…congrats on that finish!
    I love the LHN Sheep Virtues series. Nice work on Kindness.
    Sorry to hear that you will be spending time frogging. UGH, I hate when that happens!

  3. Your Earth Dancer is so beautiful, also your cute Smalls!!

  4. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. You are a "no reply" person so I've come over to tell you that the Plum Street 12 Days are free to download from the blog! No excuse now LOL
    Your Earth Dancer is gorgeous. I have her in my stash since I first started stitching but have never started her.

    1. Thanks for the info on the patterns, now I just need to work on finishing what I have started before I start another project :)
      Never realized the Google profile link messed up the reply, nice of Google to make no way to unmask that with the profile link, ugh


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