Happy Halloween

My anniversary today so I'm slothing around the house and resisting the urge to clean or do much of anything else, sounds like a good plan for the day when I've got the house to myself.  Jay will be home later and is looking forward to passing out candy to all the children that we see no day other than on Halloween...  I really hope they're all just driving from a few of the nearby apartment complexes, if not its a bit disturbing that I've seen no more than a dozen kids since we moved in.

For a bit of stitching I have something of my mom's to share, I just started the next Sheep Virtue and only have the border which isn't very exciting.

Wheelbarrow Whimsey by Sherri Jones of Patrick's Woods - lets pretend I did not just spend half an hour trying to figure that out.  My mom did beautiful stitching and was much better about finishing once it was done than I am, this is one of my favorites.

So much detail in this one that when I first saw it it was difficult to decide what to look at first.  The wheel is very light weight, possibly skirtex or bristol board inside.  The design isn't available any longer and the instructions are long gone so good that its complete.

There are several things hiding inside the wheelbarrow, enough for a simple sewing set if it was something I'd actually consider using.  Starting with the things on top there are holders for the strawberry emery and the thimble and the pincushion tucks underneath.

And hiding underneath the flap is a pocket for a needle threader and needles and finally a pair of scissors on the bottom. Perfect sewing set, if it wasn't such lovely stitching. And if the legs and handles weren't thread wrapped wire which is far too delicate to hold up to actual use.

Thanks for reading!


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