And that makes 4

I might have broken a personal record for finishes though they've all been small, a finish is still a finish.   Then looking back I realize I've only shared one of them here so lets catch up.

Finish number 1 was a start of my mom's. It followed me home after she passed in 2008 and I might have just gotten around to finishing it.

#2 starts the Sheep virtues.  Sheep 2 in the series of 12


#3 sheep number 3.  Really hate that crease, its going to need another press before I finish this one.

Which brings me to the latest finish, Faith.  This is #5 but the fabric for 4 was on backorder so I skipped ahead.  Now that I have the fabric, next up is Courage which at this rate I might have done sometime next week.  As this weekend is International Hermit Stitch Weekend I should have this done and a good dent in something else but I have a few wrenches in that plan. First, my new stitching chair is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I really want to work on Twister and second, its harvest season and I have a date Saturday with a pressure canner and a lot of tomatoes. Thanks for visiting!


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