This is not the trail I've been looking for

The weather here seems bent on preventing us from doing any sort of hike that includes a nice view at the top.  Mid week we'll see partly cloudy for the weekend and by the time the weekend arrives we're clouded over so the hike is a bit pointless so we've been going back over a few we've done to keep moving so this week we went back to our first real hike, Horsetail falls to triple falls.   We both had good thoughts heading out, it was a pretty wooded trail lots of water falls and when we got to triple falls you passed over a rise on the trail and the view opened to an overlook of the falls with an area around the top of the falls where you could walk around the moss covered rocks.  Its amazing how much I remember the positives of something in retrospect and not the stuff that I hated - I might have been blinded by the pain in my calves in my defense.

Don't get me wrong, the waterfalls on this trail are beautiful.  This is pony tail falls, the first major waterfall we pass after horsetail falls that is located at the trail head. The trail wraps behind the falls into a opening in the rock that appears created from water seepage through cracks in the rock.

Upper Oneonta falls, the lower falls are the real gem in this area but to see the lower falls we have to actually hike up the Oneonta creek which is best done in late summer when it hasn't rained for many months to lower the water level.

The trail itself, however, was awful.  The increased amount of water from the snow melt in the mountains has sent a lot more water down creating a lot of slides so there was a lot of loose rock on the trail making it a very uncomfortable hike.

Lesson learned, that won't be one we go out of our way to hike again... at least until we forget how uneven the ground was which will happen, look at the waterfall you get at the end.  Today we're going to do something new and stay home, I got a garden bed yesterday and want to get it set up and planted. Several things around the house as well and I doubt I'll be wanting for something to do.


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