358hx123w and cut what?

I'm sooo confused.  Went to the LNS to get fabric for a few things and I'm completely at a loss with the October Box, I know it may make more sense to me once I get it stitched up but at the moment...  Stitch count is 358x123 over 2 on 32 ct fabric and its telling me to cut 8x18. I put it into the numbers into my fabric calculator and it tells me it should be closer to 12x26  All I can sort out is parts of it are done over 1 so they're giving me stitch count over 1 but without saying it.  I was in a complete state of worry the fabric was not right.

And a new piece of fabric for the ABC Sampler from The Drawn Thread since I managed to cut off several inches of the planned fabric for something else.  Lovely shade of Peanut Butter from Lakeside Linen which I think looks lovely with the colors of the piece. 

And now off to dinner and perhaps a bit of stitching, thanks for reading!


  1. I'd be worried over the fabric cut too. I think your thought of over-1 may be correct but that' a very strange way to state it. Very nice choices on the other pieces. The special Halloween JCS is fairly recent, I think the last maybe 3 years, so you may still be able to find some back issues.

  2. I get the same measurements as you! Divide the stitch count by 16 and add a couple of inches each side for a margin.
    I love the JCS Hallowe'en issues too.


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