My husband... the enabler

I have 2 sewing machines in the house, one beautiful old Singer treadle circa 1901 or so and a very basic Kenmore machine that has been my bane since I got it home so I've never done much in the way of sewing. I have a huge pile of finishing and wanted a place to work on it so I told 'Santa' I would like a sewing table. I'm not a fan of shop online for things like this, I want to see it to make sure it's sturdy so I've been all around town to see if I could find floor models to check out which have been slim for some odd reason.
Today we went out after the sales were over and the black Friday crowds were heading home and on a whim stopped in a sewing shop near the house and just like a room full of sparklies I had to look at the machines. This beauty was a classroom machine so it was 50% off and despite me waffling I walked out with a new sewing machine. It does embroidery and more sewing stitches than I will probably ever use but I'm actually excited to use it

edit: for the record, yes he IS the enabler.  I wanted to look at the pretties and see what was new and he kept encouraging me to sit down and try them. He and the shop owner could have a really good tag team lol.      

Since the photo is awful, its a brother Innov-is 1250D it does all the pretty sewing and some embroidery


  1. Great deal. Don't you just love it when things all fall into place and you come out a winner

  2. How wonderful, my machine was an ex demo. You save so much that way.

    Looking forward to seeing your first project.

  3. Indeed, first i have to learn to use the thing.. OMG is this thing different than my old p.o.s. kenmore


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