Its Monday Already?

Ok Lets start with my progress on the Linen Band Sampler. Coming along nicely, I believe that is band 25 I'm working on right now. These bands are a whole 2 1/2 inches wide so most of them don't take too long to work. The bottom row, however, needs to be frogged as I noticed that I was off by a thread when I was taking the picture which knocks it out of alignment by 2 thread on the right side.


  1. I can't wait to see you start Fantasy Garden, its such a beautiful piece. Your linen band sampler is coming along well

  2. Nice stash!! And the Band Sampler is looking beautiful!!

  3. LBS looks wonderful!

  4. A stshing frenzy like I enjoy so much :) Well done! The linen Band sampler is looking lovely but what will you do with it when it's done?

  5. Wooh! You look like an even bigger stashoholic than me!!! I'm expecting a parcel from on ONS today and am waiting excitedly!!! I'm also keen to do some blackwork, although I don't have any designs (except one or two in mags) that call for colours. I like the black and metallic thread types for abstracts and colours for pictures.

    I too love sampler style designs. Hope to be able to design a few myself one day too.=)

  6. Your band sampler is stunning - and your latest stash pieces are just glorious! Can't wait to see them being stitched :D


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