More Progress on Baroque

My latest bit of progress on Baroque. I've not been getting a lot of stitching time in lately, this is actually my progress over the past few days when I got some time to work on it. This outer border actually goes quite fast so I've been working on it for the instant gratification of having a large area stitched for the time spent :)

I really *should* work on the inside but I just can't get into it, any stitching is a good thing right now. I really do need to get my tail in gear if I'm going to get this finished this month though! ACK


  1. Oh it is looking just fantastic!! You are doing a wonderful job on it!

  2. That's coming on nicely and I wish you a lot of pleasure today. I look forward to having a day for myself here and there too and quite jealously guard my Fridays!!! Don't get them all free though and today certainly isn't!

  3. Beautiful! Jean Hilton is my favorite canvas designer with Jim Worth a close second.

  4. I just lvoe this piece. Such nice stitching.

  5. It's gets more gorgeous every time I see it!


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