New Stash!!!

Yes, I know I'm not supposed to be buying stash but other people certainly can right? Saturday was my birthday, Jay and Mom were both nice enough to buy me some so I can have my fix!

These two are full kits. I've seen them before but for one reason or another talked myself out of them each time citing the fact that I already have thread and didn't need to purchase a kit but I've never spotted either as a chart only. The borders on each of these are quite fun, I just hope they're not too much of a test to stitch

Then there was some new beading things! I've been hunting for this beading book for a while and never found a shop that carried it for whatever reason. Mom hadn't yet found it so she gave me some money to spend on whatever I wanted and happily the beading book was finally in stock, even better I had enough left to buy The Best of Beadwork also. If you like to bead and haven't seen this one its worth a look. Some great jewelry in here and the amulet bag on the cover! I've seen chain mail over on Dani's blog, I believe she made a bracelet and was intrigued so now I have a design to try out!

I also got a One Stroke Painting kit which is another thing I've been wanting to try. I wanted to make some painted ornaments for my Christmas tree to go with all the stitched ones I have. We'll see how that goes ;)


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Nice stash! Very well done. :)

  2. Shame on you for buying more stash! LOL!!! Great buys, love it!!!!


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