Moving along now...

Still dancing from my finish yesterday but I'm moving on to my next project that I had hoped to have finished this week, after the sheer amount of stitching I did yesterday and the little amount of canvas covered, I don't know that I will accomplish that but I'm sure going to try

The Herringbone row, the brown diamond pattern that is completed on each side of center, was 6 journeys each with a different thread. The finished result is fabulous but UGH I hate stitching the same thing multiple times. I've now gotten a start on the next row which is a palm leaf if I remember right, done with 2 needles. Now I should have remembered this from David McCaskill and Toni Minieri designs. Something about men as designers, they love to layer thread. The end result is definitely worth the effort but I hate having 2 needles going at once ;)

This is my newest needlework gadget. A Thread Clam from K's Creations. It holds Kreinik thread as you can see and has holes in the top to feed the thread through to make working with multiple spools a lot easier. The velcro bit on the side holds the tails too keep everything nice and neat. I actually wish I had another, I may pick one up next time I'm at the LNS as there are still more metallics in Mojave and I've found I really like having the threads in the clam.


  1. Oooooh, Mojave is looking so nice! I like the thread clam. It looks very useful. Keep up the great work! :)

  2. Congratulations on finishing your Lady, she's lovely. Mojave is looking gorgeous as well, the thread clam looks pretty nifty.

  3. Mojave looks great. It will be fun watching you progress through this project. I like the design a lot.

  4. The thread clam looks like a great tool for keeping threads nice and neat! Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Oh, this is going just beautifully. I like that Thread clam idea, that looks nifty.

  6. The canvas project is looking wonderful! I love the thread clam too.

  7. The thread clam is a neat little gadget!


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