Twisting away...

2 squares down, 2 to go on Twister! Well, that and the border but I'm half way there with the hard part!

If you've never seen this one in a shop its a 87 page pattern. There are about 80 unique stitches and this piece tests your patience in compensating them as you are fitting them into these "wedges" Yes, that is masking tape you see on my canvas. I use it along the line of each wedge to help keep the shape as I am stitching otherwise I end up encroching on the next wedge too much in an attempt to avoid compensating as much as possible. The tape never spends enough time in any one place to actually cause any problems. My current plan is to leave this in the stand and work on it until its done or I can't stand to look at it anymore, which ever comes first ;) I'm hoping to alteast have another square done before I change big projects as I'd really enjoy not having to see this one in my WIP pile any more. Working on the stand should be increasingly easier very soon. I have a Gazelle 2 stand but its never fit my stretcher bars quite right. I called them yesterday and they are sending me an adapter to make that work that is now included with all stands and while I was at it I ordered the bookstand deluxe so I will have a stand for the charts to go on while I'm stitching instead of using the copy stand on the table like I currently do. If you are in the market for a stand I'd highly recommend this one. The base is offset so I can sit in my recliner and stitch with my feet up and when I need to get up I just rotate the stand a bit to get it out of the way. Hobby Lobby actually sells them (and you can get them 40% off with the internet coupon) but I wasn't so impressed with their accessories as everything was seperate and by getting the deluxe model online I have one attachment that does everything. Hmmm.. I should get paid for that nice testimonial LOL I do love the stand though so I have been telling anyone I stitch with, if they're in the market to definately check it out.

Thanks to everyone who took advantage of my stash reduction. Everything so far was mailed on Monday so you should be receiving it soon if you haven't already. There is still alot of charts there if anyone is interested. Whatever is left come October I am taking with me to my EGA chapter meeting, they are having a "garage sale" then so I'm sure in addition to passing on all of the remaining designs I'll wind up coming home with a few new ones.


  1. Twister is going to be quite the masterpiece! OMG, 80 different stitches?! I'd go crazy!

  2. Twister looks quite unique!

    Thanks for the stash sale... I love my 'new' charts!!

  3. My goodness! That's a lot of different stitches to put into a needlepoint piece! The masking tape looks like a good idea to keep you "in line" when compensating for the wedge shape.

  4. Wow, that is a spectacular piece. I love the color!

  5. What a unique project. I do a lot of needlepoint along with cross stitch also. The colors in this piece are spectacular. Nice job.

  6. Oh my gosh, speechless! This is simply STUNNING... you are doing a fantastic job! Can't wait to see it finished. :)

  7. Just wanted you to know I received the kit. Thank you! I'll have check out that frame at HL the next time I'm there. Thanks for the info.


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