Almost there

Not alot left to go on Gloves and Kisses. The lip background is in now, I just have some grid lines to stitch there and then I have to add the raised embellishments. The left glove has a ring, the center one has a bullion rose and there are some finishing touches to put on the lipstick tube. As it is right now I'm not terribly happy with the lipstick tube, I may lift it and make the padding behind the leather smaller so I can "cup" it a bit and hide the edges. I have this and Coronation in my bag to work on at lunch today so we'll see how much I get done on them ;) I'd like Gloves and Kisses done by Monday so I can leave it at Peacock Alley for finishing when I'm there for sit and stitch, we'll see.


  1. Gloves & Kisses looks great! I can't wait to see it finished. :)

  2. That is just beautiful! I'm a Mary Kay consultant, and that would be so perfect as a business accessory!


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