Gloves and Kisses

Since the bag I ordered to put this piece in came in I decided I needed to get a move on and get this finished on the off chance I might go somewhere and want to use my over night bag :) I suppose I can use it for stitching as well, which I'm sure to for a while anyway; but while fun, this design just never said "purse" to me so I couldn't put it in a purse. My mom took the class as well and is carrying hers around as a purse. I just need to get my needle moving and get some things done like the piece that goes in my red Lee purse.


  1. I haven't let myself buy any of the nice scissors yet. I am afraid of starting something I can't stop. Not only that, but I am afraid I will have to forever be making fobs for them.
    Thanks for coming to see me.

  2. I have only one scissor and you have a really beautiful collection!

  3. Oh My! What a GORGEOUS collection you have!! I'm so glad I sent in that question so I can get my scissor fix without having to purchase another pair, lol!

  4. Holy Cow! What a collection of scissors you have. I think I feel the pangs of jealousy....


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