Spring is here

Spring is here, finally. I got outside this weekend a bit and got to open the house up to enjoy warmer weather which is always nice. It wasn't however, nice enough to go lounging on the beach yet so I did and get a bit of stitching done among other things. I had to do some work on my floor stand, it is the style that clamps at the top not the side and I haven't really liked that fact since I dug it out of the attic to use. That is fine for my needlepoint frames but I didn't like clamping directly onto the linen on my scrolls so I made a trip to the home improvement store and got a few new bolts so I could make a couple modifications to the stand and now I have a side attaching stand so I can put my feet up in the recliner while I'm stitching.

Not much work has been done on Winter Queen lately so I decided to get back to working on her. I skipped over filling in the small bits on her shoulder and decided to work down the bodice of her dress. This required a bit less attention paid so I could watch a movie while I stitched.


  1. Winter Queen is looking really good!
    So is the Garden spot sampler!
    I have really enjoyed reading your blog! And enjoy seeing the projects you are working on!

  2. I am glad you are working on Winter Queen again; she is looking beautiful!


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