Moving right along

Although you can't really see it, I got some work on the fur trim to her wrap last night. I really need to mess with this camera of mine to see how to get this to show up a bit better, the auto" setting is letting me down.  I'm trying to be good and work on the white as I go as its my least favorite color to stitch with. Its hard to see where I've been since I'm working on white and I'm never happy with how the stitches look. I've been using Thread Heaven on the thread to make it lay more smoothly, at least it should  smooth out once the rest of the color is in.


  1. She's looking so beautiful! You are doing a great job.

  2. she looks beautiful. I started her yesterday :-)

  3. Gorgeous! You're making wonderful progress.

  4. WQ is looking beautiful - I really need to get back into my rotation and get some more work done on mine ... everyone is overtaking me! :D


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