More of Black and White

I've been moving right along on this piece. I really haven't worked on anything else, the teacher really would like feedback on it to know if there were any areas she needed to fix so I've made it a priority for me to complete. Provided I get the time to work on it tonight I think I may have it finished as there are 4 more blackwork bands and 3 small thin ones that I know will stitch in a few minutes. Thanks for all your comments on this one, I really am having a great time stitching it. If you are thinking about trying blackwork I suggest whatever pattern you choose, open it up and see how its charted. This one, and most of the bigger designs have each area laid out on a graph with numbers for each stitch to show you the direction to go to get the desired reversibility, not all the designers will do this and if you've never done it before it makes learning the technique much easier.

Here is the most recent back photo. Not all of the bands are reversible as you can see, only the ones that can be done in the double running stitch are. Line 5, just above the row that looks like the letter "s" laid in its side is actually reversible cross stitch which I thought was very cool.


  1. It looks great! And it looks like a lot of work, but you've gotten a lot done is a short time. I have a question though, what is reversible blackwork used for? :D

  2. Great work! It looks fantastic and you are really moving along with it. I'm sure your feedback will be invaluable.


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