I've come to the conclusion that I really need to stay away from sit and stitch gatherings that involve me being in a needlework store. Last night I was at one and I had to get a few threads for the Shaker Spool Holder from Sampler & Antique Needlework and the 50% off box was calling my name from across the store. The Scare crow Wabbit from Sheeping Designs is something I've been eyeing for a while and there it was I just couldn't pass it up ;) Then just as I thought I was making a break for the register I spotted the New Charts... Ooooh new Drawn Thread :) I've seen this Red Lace needlecase a few times and always thought it was cool and I could... not... resist LOL! Like I really need anymore charts.

Last night at sit and stitch I brought my stitching pocket along. I think several of the ladies wanted to check to see if I had a fever for working black on black. I really wonder what I was smoking when I thought this would be a good idea as it is going to make me go blind but it WILL look fabulous when its finished. I got the outline stitching done on the outside one now I have to repeat the process on the other piece of linen for the inside. After that there's only a small bit of stitching left before I can finish it.


  1. This is gonna look fabulous when it's finished! I cringe for your poor eyes though ;)

  2. I love the Sheepish Designs pattern. very cute!!

  3. Oooh, I'm envious! I have the Red Lace chart on my wish list. I hope you stitch it up in the near future because I'd love to see it finished!

  4. I hope to Carina. I want to finish the pocket first though. :)

  5. Nice stash! I'm a little bummed after seeing it, though. I just came from the LNS and didn't happen to see the new DT. I'm sure it was there, I just didn't see it. I had no idea they had a new one out... and that one is a 'must have'. Oh well, I guess it's another excuse to go to the LNS! :)


  6. We can always use more stash! Who cares if it doesn't get stitched in this lifetime! LOL Those are both great charts, love the Wabbit. :)

    Personally I like stitching on black, unless it's black on black. ;) Your pocket is looking great, love the pink!


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