Some progress made

And some progress to report...

This is my start on my new name tag for my EGA chapter. I did this last evening while watching a movie and it went amazingly quick. The second piece, which is the front will be the same, less a row or two for my name, depending on whether or not I put my last name on it. I'm currently of the mind to leave it off.

Summer Needle Roll is coming along as well. Not as much happening here as the name tag but it will get there.
Not sure that I'll be going to sit and stitch this evening. I was hoping to be able to pick up some small pieces of fabric for some of the other small projects that are waiting in the wings but that is going to depend entirely on the weather. The forecast is ranging from rain all day to rain/ice/snow. If we get the latter I don't care how much salt the snow plows drop, the highway to the store we stitch at is not so nice and not someplace I want to be when its icy. Hope everyone else is staying safe with the odd weather that winter has suddenly brought upon us. :)


  1. Hi Kali :)
    Your progresses look great!

    YEP, I had some trouble posting-but here I am :)

  2. That name tag is coming along really quickly!


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