Happy Dance

Can you tell I'm having fun finishing all these little projects? I finished this one on Sunday and got it added to the needle roll basket, I can't wait to have it filled with needle rolls. I also have my new name tag almost completed, I ran into a slight problem. It appeared like I failed to count properly. My name is done with 1 thread over 1 linen thread and I made the I too short which then made the M too short and I got to the B and realized this so I have to go back and tear it out, sigh. 

Otherwise, nothing of stitching excitement happened this weekend. I haven't had the motivation to work on any of my large projects as I kept starting these little ones and finishing them in short order. I hope to get my Winter Queen back on her stand sometime this week and get more work done on her.

My blackwork class date has also been set. It's going to be on Saturday, March 4th so that should be fun. I know the technique but beginning and ending threads has always been a challenge for me.


  1. Nice job on your needleroll! I'm right there with you on the small projects vs. bigger ones. It's difficult for me to stitch on a bigger project when I can have the satisfaction of finishing something smaller :)

  2. Lovely needleroll! I love the purple butterfly with the sunflower and strawberries. :)

  3. The needle roll looks lovely!!! (And, boy, do we need some summer weather!)

  4. Your needleroll turned out gorgeous! I especially love the purples in that butterfly! Congrats on your happy dance!

  5. I love your needleroll as I am a big butterfly fan. great job!!

  6. That is a very pretty needleroll!
    Congratulations on your happy dance :D


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