Happy Dance Weekend

Got my Still Stitching Pocket done this weekend! I'm done working on black until I decided its a necessary evil again or hell freezes over, whichever comes last. Now I have to read up on the finishing so I can get it all put together this week. The pattern is altered a bit from the design. I started the words that are supposed to go at the fold atleast 5 times and was never happy with them so I've opted to skip them all together.

I also started and then finished this morning my Lorri Birmingham Silver Basket Pin Cushion. Yes another one for the finishing pile on my sewing table that is growing by the minute. I really need to pick a night or two this week and do nothing else to get a few of these done.

And Hooray for Market this year. I've been on the Nashville site here check out the new designs that have been posted, my LNS gets an assortment of what they think will sell and now I can pester then to order what they didn't get that I want. I'm most excited about the Lavender Rose Sewing Case and Accessories to go with my Lavender Rose Sweet Bag that I purchased a while ago.


  1. They're both lovely, I look forward to seeing them 'finished'

  2. Congrats Kimberly, the pin cushion is stitched in such lovely colours, and I'm sure your pocket will be stunning in black when finished!

  3. Nice finishes! I still can't believe you had the guts to stitch the pocket on black. I'm sure you're next attempt on a black fabric will go much more smoothly! :)

  4. Thanks for the link will spend sometime checking them out. I love the black, but then I like to use this colour. Check out my site to see why. Happy Stitchin Anne L

  5. Congrats on the finishes. Happy Dancing feels so good doesn't?!? :)


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