Something different

This came along with me to Sit and Stitch last night. Thought it was time it seen the light of day again as its been a while since I've done any work on it. I swear if I see another spider rose after I finish this I might scream. Indigo Rose designs seem to use alot of these on the blackwork style pieces and after doing a dozen or so they've become a bit tedious. I did that center ring of blue last evening and it took me 2 hours to do 6 of them - ACK!
I'm going to try to do some work on the rest of my WIP list for the next week or so, I've made some good progress on Winter Queen and she's on a floor stand in my walking path so if I try to ignore her I'm likely to trip over the stand. Perhaps a bit more on her next week but for now I have several things going that are almost done that I really should devote some attention to. I've gotten my stumpwork out and I'm taking that today to do some work on at lunch so we'll see how far that gets.

This is a photo of the stumpwork piece completed. Mom and I were supposed to be working on this together but mine got tossed into the UFO pile while she had hers done in a couple of weeks. Its all done in white and cream silks and beads with a bit of metallic mixed in.


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